How Can You Write a Good Instagram Bio!

An important part of your Instagram profile view is your bio. No doubt writing a good Instagram bio seems critical. But it can be simple, cool, or something abstract. Writing a funny joke or a good quote in a bio is also encouraging. But limiting a good bio within 150 characters requires a thoughtful process. Because a cool bio shows your overall character and personality, so in short, be unique and open about your SMM Panel.    


Editing Instagram Bio:

A critical point to keep in mind while updating your Instagram Biography is to make short within 150 characters limit. Following steps involves in How to edit Bio:

  1. Open Instagram through a mobile application or the web application and log in to your account.
  2. After Instagram sign-in through the mobile application, navigate your account setting page by clicking on your Profile Icon (Profile Photo). Or if using Desktop web application, click on the username after sign-in, this will open a new page on the web, showing your account settings.
  3. Click on the “Edit Profile” for mobile, configuration for editing your profile will be shown below your bio. For the desktop or web application, the same “Edit Profile” section will appear to the right of your user name as a new page.
  4. You can edit or update all of your Instagram viewed information from these. That includes your username, profile picture, display name, and Instagram biography.
  5. To edit new Bio, click on the box area and start typing your good bio.
  6. And click “DONE” when finish typing, to update the Bio.
good instagram bio

How to Add a Link in Instagram Bio:

As discussed above in “Editing Instagram Bio,” the steps will be followed up to the 4th point. But for adding a link in a short bio, type “@” followed by the link you want to add. And click “DONE” on the finish.


FAQs on Instagram Bio

What is a good Bio?

A good bio is one that shows your good nature and matches the content of your Profile.

How to add a link in Bio? 

As discussed in “Editing Bio,” the steps will be followed up to the 4 points. But for adding a link in a short bio, type “@” followed by the link you want to add. And click “DONE” on the finish.

Can I have more than one link in Bio?

Yes! You can have as many links in Bio, just separate another with preceding “@.” But your overall bio should be in 150 character limits.

To Conclude on Instagram Biography

In this article, we tried to brief on How to write a good Instagram Bio and How to edit or add links to your profile biography. Hopefully, we made it easy and bold. If you want to learn more about the app, we cover up many other popular topics in our articles.

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